

ICPM 2022 World Congress Announcement [(September 7-9th) in Rochester, New York, USA]

대한스트레스학회 398 2022-08-08

I am writing to invite you to attend the World Congress of International College of Psychosomatic Medicine (September 7-9th) in Rochester, New York, USA. Department of Psychiatry at University of Rochester Medical Center, is the birthplace of Biopsychosocial Model developed by George Engel and John Romano. As we are celebrating the 75th anniversary of the department, we are hosting the 26th World Congress of ICPM with the theme of “Application and Innovation of Biopsychosocial Model,

Despite COVID-19, our preparation for the are well on the way. Our lineup of the 113 speakers for the symposiums, workshops, and presentations are truly impressive and are from all over the world. We also would like to invite you celebrate past accomplishment, reflect on missed opportunities, and imagine what is possible for Psychosomatic Medicine and Biopsychosocial Model for the next 25 years.

Please, consider registering for the meeting today (http://www.icpmworldcongress.com). We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to Rochester!!!

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Photo of Rochester skyline

The Deadline for the 26th World Congress, International College of Psychosomatic Medicine (ICPM) Has Been Extended to August 26th!

Text that says Attend the ICPM World Congress: Where the biopsychosocial model began



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Rounded Rectangle: Click here to register

Visit our website for details on the conference including registration and schedule of speakers!
For questions, please reach out to Stephanie Bruder by phone at 1585-275-3575 and/or by email.







For questions, please email PsychCommunications@URMC.Rochester.edu

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